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Friday 25 November 2011

Before you go

Alright here starts our adventure in China  the 4th largest Country  in the planet just after Russia, Canada, United States, one of the world's 5 last remaining communist lands.

Before we part on our trip it's important make sure that if you need a visa you don’t want to be barred by the immigration officers, today's post  we are trying to give you guys a hand in this subject we hope it to be useful

first of all it's a really good idea to check what type fits best to your needs the Chinese embassy will help you with that and if you feel like that someone could sort it out for you just go straight to    : and these guys will help you out with everything.

at that place you might find lots of important information but it's good to know what are you going to do out there tourism work business and others...

where to buy?
once you checked those information you will need a flight when I bought this was cheapest company that I found by that time

but there are many more:

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