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Monday 12 December 2011

Hangzhou and east lake


(chino: pinyin: Hángzhōutranscripción antiguaHangchow) es la capital de la provincia de Zhejiang en la República Popular China. El área metropolitana tiene una población superior a los seis millones de habitantes (2003), aunque la población residente censada es de 2.636.700 habitantes. Está situada a orillas del Río Qiantang y limita con el Lago del Oeste (Xi Hu) y con el Gran Canal de China.

incredible sunset hangzhou
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east lake bridge and the proper winter view 

ancient traveling habits

How to connect to facebook

How to connect to facebook, youtube, blogger and others while
you are in china
Hi the first thing that realized when I arrived to china was that I couldn't connect to my facebook account.

After a 14 hours in a airplane I was so exited to tell my friends how was my flight , first impressions and much more and then I couldn't use my favorite social network account honestly that was a bit upsetting...

one week latter I saw a advertisement by google adds announcing a web page which claims to make possible to connect to your facebook account and apart of that they offered 10 minutes free trial, guess what!!! that DID WORK straight away otherwise it wouldn't be possible to be posting this by now all because I still in china .

So guys this is the web page: I hope it to be useful and welcome back to a social network planet!!1